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Gazebos SanjungHormat:

A Tribute to the Fallen Soldiers

2017 Greenovation Design Competition: Gazebo Category

3rd Runner Up

Gazebos Sanjung and Hormat is a proposal submitted for the 2017 Greenovation Design Competition: Gazebo Category, co-organised by ILAM and Khazanah Nasional for an upcoming project known as Taman Tugu Project. As the name suggests, the competition brief asked for two sustainable yet innovative gazebo designs that would serve as an icon of the park, one for the active zone, and one for the passive zone. As the competition is open to public as an initiative to invite public's contributions towards the project, the brief also required a design that is simple to construct.

The proposed gazebos are limited to a built-up area of 9 sqm, and must be able to fit a minimum of 10 people. Given a small footprint to cater for 10 people and more, both gazebo Sanjung and Hormat features a large overhang roof to increase the area under shelter, and an innovative seating arrangement that make the most out of the compact space.

Taman Tugu Park

Taman Tugu Park is part of the Taman Tugu Project where a 66-acre green-lung in the heart of Kuala Lumpur will be conserved and converted into an urban forest park for the community of the city. Located right behind the statue of Tugu Negara, the site embodies significant historic context while serving as a famous tourist spot. 

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Tribute to the Fallen Soldiers

We wanted to remind people of the soldiers' contributions and sacrifices when they enjoy themselves in the park, because without these soldiers, we wouldn't be able to celebrate the things we have today -- including this upcoming urban park. Hence, the proposed gazebos, Sanjung and Hormat, are designed based on the concept Tribute to the Fallen Soldiers, where horizontal and vertical elements are juxtaposed to form a structure that architecturally, resembles a soldier sheltering us. The approach is to evoke a sense of gratitude and respect as visitors use the gazebos.

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Gazebo Sanjung: Serving the Core

Our interpretation of active zone is where users of the park would gather at there to carry out various activities. As such, we have identified the open area located beside the lake as the active zone, or the 'core' of the park since it is located at the heart of the park, offers ample amount of space for various events to take place and is complimented with a decent lake view plus a F&B outlet that would attract people to hang around.

In response to that, Gazebo Sanjung is designed with an open form to provide a 360˘ view of the park. Unlike other typical gazebos found in many parks, a series of concrete slabs arranged in an L shape in stepped heights forms the seat of Gazebo Sanjung, which offers flexible seating patterns according to users' seating preferences while maintaining a sense of privacy without any physical barriers. A swing adds a decent user experience, where people can enjoy a light swing as they dangle their legs in the air and enjoy the scenic view of the lake under the shelter -- care free and easy. Also, thanks to its open form, additional features can be added to cater for more users when needed, such as adding a hammock net to serve as extra seats when there are events happening at the core, thus making it more versatile.

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Reinforced concrete is adopted as the main material of the gazebo to increase its durability against weather and wear and tear, thus reducing the need for maintenance. The use of concrete also expresses a sense of sturdiness, boldness and strength that a soldier embodies. As the task of a soldier also includes ensuring people's safety, the gazebo, or the 'architecturally-statued-soldiers' also comes with LED lights that are powered by solar panels installed on its wide roof, serving as a lantern that illuminates itself and the park for users to use safely at night or during dawn. 4 USB charging ports which are also powered by the solar panels, are provided as well for tourists to charge their mobile devices in case they want to take pictures of the park but their phones or tablets ran out of battery,  

Gazebo Hormat: Supporting the Spine

Our interpretation of passive zone(s) are the spaces along the multipurpose trail, or the 'spine' that will serve as a jogging and cycling track, as well as buggy service line besides connecting the entrances of the park to other parts of the park, including the 'core'.

As such, we proposed to build gazebo Hormat along the spine, and it will serve several functions: as an R&R station for the joggers and cyclists, buggy stations to cater for the buggy services, and an informative landmark that guides visitors to the core while educating them about the park. Similar to Gazebo Sanjung, Gazebo Hormat comprises of L-shape seating arrangement in cast concrete to offer flexible seating patterns. What sets it apart from Sanjung is its facade that is made up of 5 metal louvres. The louvres play many vital roles to the gazebo: tilted in certain angle, it serves as an info board for visitors to read about the park; story boards that educates visitors about the contributions of the soldiers; bicycle rack for cyclist to park their bicycles; ensures privacy as users take a short break from an exhausting run; sun shading devices; and to create an interplay of light and shadow that enhances the ambience for people to ponder, pay tribute and gratitude to the soldiers who had sacrificed for us.

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The rustic paint finish on the louvres compliments the concrete finish, adding aesthetics to the gazebo as an iconic landmark to the park. Unlike Gazebo Sanjung, the seats in Gazebo Hormat are available as 2 long continuous slabs, one at normal sitting height for better comfort while another one slightly higher. The higher slab is catered for joggers to lean against as they take a short break, besides allowing users to dangle their legs in the air as they enjoy a leisure evening with their friends and family. 

At night, the solar powered LED lights illuminate the gazebo, lighting up the multipurpose trail for users to enjoy night run and cycling. While waiting for buggy service, visitors can also charge their dying phones before they leave the park with their fondest memories created here.

Continuing the Spirit to Serve

We hope that the gazebos in Taman Tugu will serve a meaningful purpose besides providing basic sheltering needs and facilities for the users of the park. Although the soldiers are no longer here, their dedication and spirit to serve for the country and the community will be inherited and remain in the form of a shelter. For people to remember, respect and appreciate.

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